VANDELS is a ESO public spectroscopic survey targeting roughly 2500 galaxies at z > 1 in the CDFS and UDS survey fields. The two primary targets were star-forming at z > 2.5 and passive galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.5. Observations were taken with the VIMOS spectrograph on the VLT, providing medium resolution (R=580) optical spectra at 0.48 - 1.0 μm (covering the rest-frame UV spectra at these redshifts). With individual integration times of up to 80 hours on source, VANDELS is one of the deepest ever spectroscopic surveys of the high-redshift Universe.

An example of a rest-frame UV composite spectrum of 131 VANDELS galaxies taken from Cullen et al. (2019).

You can find my VANDELS papers on the stellar metallicities of star-forming galaxies at z > 2.5 here and here. I’ve also done some work on constraining the average shape of the dust attenuation curve at high-redshift which you can find here.

This ADS query gives an up-to-date list of all VANDELS-related papers.

The third VANDELS data release is currently publicly available via ESO